Style House Files
A Fashion Business Development Agency

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There are presently no advertised vacancies at this time. However, if you feel you could add value to our team, please feel free to send your resume to us at info @



Email: info @


Style House Files is a Fashion Business Development Agency that primarily focuses on the advancement of the Nigerian and African Fashion Industry.


Style House Files (SHF) is a fashion business development agency that focuses primarily on the advancement of the Nigerian and ultimately, the African textile and apparel industry through initiatives created by the company for that purpose.
At SHF, we fuse cutting edge creativity with initiatives that consistently seek to earn the industry commercial success, exposure and respect. Our wealth of knowledge, expertise and ability to deliver effectively on creative projects make us the go to service provider in the market place for innovative and strategic solutions that provide desired results in the African apparel and textile sector.
Our services and initiatives are carefully designed to spearhead change in the sector by providing access to –
– Capacity Building and Skills Development :- SHF Trains, SHF Prism
– Market :- SHF Presents
– Showcasing Opportunities :- Lagos Fashion Week
– Advocacy :- Fashion Business Series, In Conversation With
– Talent Discovery :- Fashion Focus Africa, Fashion Focus Fund


We offer a range of services that can be tailor made to suit your goals and objectives:

Creative Direction

Fashion Production

Market and Brand Positioning

Retail Strategy

Market Analysis

Mentoring Program


We offer a range of services that can be tailor made to suit your goals and objectives:
• Creative Direction
• Fashion Production
• Market and Brand Positioning
• Retail Strategy
• Mentoring Program
• Market Analysis
Style House Files